
Willkommen auf meinem Blog "Photo Art". Viel Spaß beim Stöbern in meinen Fotos.

Welcome to my blog "Photo Art". Enjoy browsing through my photos.

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(Bilder zum Vergrößern anklicken)


Hier einige Impressionen aus dem letzten Sommerurlaub.


St George's Cross at Arundel Castel

Beachy Head

Lighthouse at Beachy Head

Cliff Edge at Beachy Head

The Seven Sisters

Roofs of Rye

Street of Rye

 Front Door and Garden in Rye

Arundel Castle

Brighton Pier

Boat at the seashore of Deal


St Marys Church in Warwick


 South Foreland Lighthouse


Cottage in the Cotswolds

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